write your own healing verse. feel free to use the prompts to guide you.

What is your story? Introduce yourself and reflect on your connection to your community–what short poem best represents your name and your connection to your community?  How have you been surprised or impacted by this place? What are your hopes for this place? For yourself? 

Write a short poem (5-line poem), using the format below and start with your name for the first line. 

Line 1: 1 word (Your name)
Line 2: 2 words
Line 3: 3 words
Line 4: 4 words
Line 5: 1 word

Reflecting on the Kensington community, please create a community voice or healing poem by copying the below as a template to talk about your community.

Line 1: Kensington/or a block/intersection/neighborhood/local name for the area
Line 2: is... (descriptive words that describe the community in Line 1)
Line 3: We experience/It experiences...
Line 4: We love...
Line 5: We feel...
Line 6: We need...
Line 7: We give...
Line 8: We fear...
Line 9: We would like to see...
Line 10: We want to share...
Line 11: We are...

Write a 5–20 line poem about your healing journey or about healing in general in your community. The theme is healing, but you decide on how you want to write your poem. It's a Free Verse. You can rhyme if you wish, but poems don't have to rhyme. Do what you like and let us "feel" your healing journey through your poem.

submit a poem

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Submission Box

Do you live or work in Kensington and want to write and share poems in person? We created a submission box for you!

To submit your poem, see the cashier at KFish Comestible, located at 2400 Kensington Avenue, and ask for a poetry form and a pen. If you would like to share your voice with the community, slide your completed poem into the submission box outside. With your permission, someone from our team will publish your poetry on the project website.

Thanks for your participation. Our healing begins together.

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